BATWatch™ Legal Statements & Policies
Last updated: February 17th, 2025
Make sure you read all the important information below because we cover:
• How our medical team consists of doctors and nurse practitioners.
• How many states require you to do a video consultation or have a telephone call with one of our doctors or nurse practitioners.
• When our duty of care begins.
• The benefits and risks of using our service.
• The importance of reading all the information we provide.
• The importance of answering all questions fully and truthfully.
• The risks of accepting our treatment plan.
• The risks to electronic health information.
Only use our service if you’ve read this information and subsequently made an informed decision that our service is right for you. If you have any questions, please send us a message through the App or Website or call us at 202-681-1274.
I understand that I should never use BATWatch in a medical or psychiatric emergency. I understand that in an emergency, I should dial 911 or go to an emergency department.
I understand that the doctor or nurse practitioner will take responsibility for my care only after I have created an account, answered all the required health questions and provided a photo and/or have had a video visit and made payment, and the doctor or nurse practitioner has subsequently reviewed my request for treatment and the health questions that I have completed and any photos and/or information received from a video visit, reviewed all my information, and then subsequently determined that I am a good candidate for the telehealth services. I understand that the duty of care does not begin at the point of me answering questions or making payment or starting a video visit but at the point at which the doctor or nurse practitioner accepts the duty of care.
In the case of lab tests, the duty of care is restricted exclusively to the act of ordering and interpreting specific lab tests and only occurs when the doctor or nurse practitioner has ordered the lab test. The duty of care does not extend to your wider health, even if you have told the doctor or nurse practitioner information about your health as part of our intake questionnaire.
I understand that the doctor or nurse practitioner has the right to refuse to take responsibility for my care if the doctor or nurse practitioner makes a professional judgment that I am not a good candidate for this service. I understand that making a request for treatment (by completing a visit in the App or Website and making payment or by starting a video visit) or requesting a lab test or sending a message through the app does not in and of itself create a duty of care or create a doctor-patient relationship.
I understand that there may be a delay of a number of days before a doctor or nurse practitioner reviews my request for treatment or a lab test and any messages I send.
I understand that the only content in the App or Website that constitutes professional medical advice is the personalized messages the doctor or nurse practitioner sends me (once I have completed the health questions and made payment, and the doctor or nurse practitioner has subsequently taken responsibility for my care) and any content that the doctor or nurse practitioner links to in such messages and advice that a doctor or nurse practitioner provides in a video or telephone consultation. No other content in the App or Website constitutes professional medical advice. Specifically the information provided in our health questions about who we can and cannot treat does not constitute professional medical advice.
I understand that all other content in the App or Website does not constitute professional medical advice and is instead for information purposes only. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our App or Website.
I understand that by using the service I’m seeking care that’s convenient and affordable.
I understand that important differences exist between Silver House’s BATWatch model of care and traditional healthcare. Specifically by using BATWatch I accept a greater responsibility to read and understand information throughout the App and Website about the limitations of Silver House’s BATWatch model of care, the risks of seeking care this way, and the risks and benefits of a proposed treatment plan.
I understand that I must read and understand the Consent to Telehealth, the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, the information provided about a service before I answer health questions, the information provided in the health questions themselves, messages I receive from Silver House, and, very importantly, content provided via links in the message that the doctor or nurse practitioner sends me after the doctor or nurse practitioner has reviewed all my information and recommended a treatment plan and, when appropriate, prescribed a medicine.
I understand that to read important information I may need to both click on links and various titles to expand the information that’s visible below, and that without clicking on links and titles I will not be able to read important information that enables me to give my informed consent to a treatment.
I understand that by using BATWatch I accept the responsibility to provide full and truthful answers to all questions and, when requested.
I understand that the doctor or nurse practitioner is unable independently to verify the information I provide and that the doctor or nurse practitioner will make a professional judgment based on the information I provide.
I understand that I won’t receive any other medical services that go beyond the screening and treatment of BAT Levels, and other treatments and advice that the doctor or nurse practitioner thinks is appropriate to give online.
I understand that by using the service for a telemedical consultation, I won’t have an in person consultation and in person physical exam that might identify a medical condition that needs further investigation or immediate treatment.
I understand that by using the service I won’t necessarily speak or message with a doctor or nurse practitioner in real time.
I understand that I must check the App or Website for messages because this is the way that the doctor or nurse practitioner will communicate important information to me. I understand that if I don’t check the App or Website regularly, then my care may be delayed.
I understand that if I have any questions relating to my care that aren’t urgent, I can message the doctor or nurse practitioner through the App or Website. I understand that the doctor or nurse practitioner may not review and respond to my messages until the next business day.
I understand that Silver House will provide detailed information in the App and Website to help me make an informed decision about whether to accept a proposed treatment plan. The most important information about a treatment plan is in the link that the doctor or nurse practitioner will send me when the doctor or nurse practitioner prescribes a treatment. This information includes detailed information to help me decide if the benefits of the treatment plan outweigh the risks, given the alternative options available to me, which includes the option of not taking any treatment.
I understand the importance of reading the information the doctor or nurse practitioner provides about adverse events, including the signs and symptoms of serious side effects and common side effects from taking a medicine, as this will ensure that I seek appropriate medical attention in a timely manner.
I understand that Silver House will provide detailed information about BAT Level Testing and Treatment to help me make an informed decision about whether the test or treatment is right for me.
I understand that by using BATWatch I seek to enter into a relationship where the doctor or nurse practitioner relies exclusively upon information that I provide to decide whether or not treatment is safe and appropriate.
I understand that the doctor or nurse practitioner has no way of verifying the information that I provide and that the doctor or nurse practitioner will consider information to be accurate, true and complete, including my age, gender and all my answers to health questions, taken at the time of me using the service, and unaltered.
I understand that if I provide information that isn’t true and complete, then I’ll be at greater risk of adverse events from any treatment that the doctor or nurse practitioner prescribes and I may take a treatment that isn’t necessary, appropriate, or safe.
I understand that if I provide photos that are altered, not of me or not taken at the time of me using the service, then I’ll be at greater risk of adverse events from any treatment that the doctor or nurse practitioner prescribes and I may take a treatment that isn’t necessary, appropriate, or safe.
I understand that even if I provide information that is true and complete, I’m still at risk of adverse events from any treatment that the doctor or nurse practitioner prescribes.
I understand that even if I provide photos that are unaltered, of me and taken at the time of using the service,
I’m still at risk of adverse events from my treatment that the doctor or nurse practitioner prescribes.
I understand that it is important that I don’t create more than one account. Creating more than one account makes it impossible for the doctor or nurse practitioner to see the full history of care that I’ve received from Silver House. This increases the chances that the doctor or nurse practitioner will not have access to important information and photos in my medical record that could influence the doctor or nurse practitioner’s clinical decision.
I understand that by using BATWatch I’m giving my explicit consent for the doctor or nurse practitioner to access medication history, where it’s available, from records provided by pharmacy databases via the services such as Surescripts and/or DoseSpot. I understand that, if appropriate, the doctor or nurse practitioner may take this information into account when making a treatment and prescribing decision but this doesn’t change how important it is that I provide full, true and complete information during the Silver House visit.
I understand that all the medicines that the doctor or nurse practitioner may prescribe or recommend, including over-the-counter medicines and ‘behind-the-counter’ medicines, can cause serious side effects and adverse events that include severe allergic reaction, permanent disability, and death.
I understand that it is my responsibility to make an informed decision whether to accept a treatment plan that the doctor or nurse practitioner proposes after weighing the risks and benefits of the medicine being prescribed, alternative treatment options and the risks and benefits of such alternatives, and the option of not seeking any treatment.
I understand the importance of reading the manufacturer’s leaflet that comes with a medicine, including an over-the-counter or behind-the-counter medicine, before I take a medicine because this leaflet includes important information about risks and warnings.
I understand that adverse events can be caused by a number of things, including an allergic reaction, side effects, or interactions between a medicine that the doctor or nurse practitioner prescribes and any medical conditions I may have, other prescription medicines or other things (e.g., supplements, herbs, over-the-counter medicines, or recreational drugs) I’m taking, and lifestyle choices such as smoking tobacco products or drinking alcohol.